Spanish jewelry brand Unode50 targets travel retail growth in the Americas as it celebrated a record 2019...
Jason McNary, general manager of Agnes b U.S., was hired in September to spearhead...
UNOde50 is in growth mode. The Madrid-based handcrafted silver jewelry brand tells JCK...
The most dramatic change has been a shift from being reliant on brick and mortar to drive...
On Thursday, October 20, 2016 BRAG celebrated their illustrious honorees for the organization's..
As a fashion and business executive with over 25 years of organizational experience....
Black Enterprise caught up with McNary to find out what it’s like to be the first African ....
The new location opened at Plaza Del Caribe in Ponce, joining 23 other stores within North America....
Tell us about your personal career path. How did you get to where you are today?
Unode50 is gearing up for a retail expansion with the opening of a new store...
"Cree en ti mismo y mantente enfocado en la estrategias y los resultados a la mano".
April 06, 2020: Grocery stores and delivery/pickup adoption, the fate of the traditional shopping mall, retail...